About this Website. alexanderzone.net

Last December 12 the year of 2022, I created the first version of alexanderzone.net. The first version focuses more on the services that I can provide, like static web development, photo editing, video editing, etc. the first version also allows the other person to have their profile within my website to help them showcase their skills or talents.

And now, this is the new version of my website, this website contains all my social links, unpublished content, and some of the projects that I created. This new version now focuses on my projects to showcase to the public. Like on the old version of this website, The services said on the last version can also be provided to this website.

If you want to upload your stories, blogs, vlogs, or any of your content to this website, please feel free to message the Facebook page here. Also, any questions, suggestions, or reactions to this website will be so much appreciated.

Thank you for visiting alexanderzone.net.


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